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SQLite: The Fast and Lightweight Database You Can Download in Minutes

Writer: digymetloradisdigymetloradis

SQL Lite Download: How to Install and Use SQLite

SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system. It is an open source, embedded, and self-contained database that does not require a server process or configuration. It is lightweight, fast, high-reliability, and transactional. It supports most of the SQL standards and is fully ACID compliant.

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In this article, you will learn how to download and install SQLite on different platforms, and how to use it for various purposes. You will also learn some of the features and benefits of SQLite that make it a popular choice for many applications.

What is SQLite?

SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. The lite in SQLite means lightweight in terms of setup, database administration, and required resources.

SQLite has the following noticeable features:

  • Self-contained: no external dependencies.

  • Serverless: no server process or configuration needed.

  • Zero-configuration: no setup or administration required.

  • Transactional: supports atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) transactions.

  • Full-featured SQL implementation with advanced capabilities like partial indexes, indexes on expressions, JSON, common table expressions, and window functions.

  • A complete database is stored in a single cross-platform disk file.

  • Supports terabyte-sized databases and gigabyte-sized strings and blobs.

  • Small code footprint: less than 750KiB fully configured or much less with optional features omitted.

  • Simple, easy to use API.

  • Fast: In some cases, SQLite is faster than direct filesystem I/O.

  • Written in ANSI-C. TCL bindings included. Bindings for dozens of other languages available separately.

  • Well-commented source code with 100% branch test coverage.

  • Available as a single ANSI-C source-code file that is easy to compile and hence is easy to add into a larger project.

  • Cross-platform: Android, *BSD, iOS, Linux, Mac, Solaris, VxWorks, and Windows (Win32, WinCE, WinRT) are supported out of the box. Easy to port to other systems.

  • Sources are in the public domain. Use for any purpose.

  • Comes with a standalone command-line interface (CLI) client that can be used to administer SQLite databases.

Features of SQLite

SQLite has many features that make it a suitable choice for various applications. Some of these features are:

Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID)

This means that SQLite ensures that all changes made by a transaction are either committed or rolled back as a unit, even after system crashes and power failures. SQLite also guarantees that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other and that the database remains in a consistent state after each transaction.

Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed

This means that SQLite does not require any installation or configuration process to use it. You just need to download the library file or the executable file and start using it. There is no need to create or manage users, permissions, schemas, or any other database objects. SQLite also does not require any maintenance tasks like backup or recovery.

Full-featured SQL implementation with advanced capabilities

This means that SQLite supports most of the SQL standards and features that are commonly used in relational databases. For example, SQLite supports data types like integer, real, text, blob, and null; constraints like primary key, foreign key, unique, not null, and check; indexes including partial indexes and indexes on expressions; views; triggers; functions including user-defined functions; subqueries; joins including inner join, left join, cross join, and natural join; common table expressions (CTEs); window functions; JSON support; and many more.

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A complete database is stored in a single cross-platform disk file

This means that SQLite stores all the data and metadata of a database in a single file that can be easily copied, moved, or shared across different platforms and devices. SQLite also supports various modes of opening and accessing the database file, such as read-only, read-write, memory-mapped, or temporary.

Small code footprint and simple API

This means that SQLite has a minimal impact on the size and performance of the application that uses it. SQLite can be compiled with only the features that are needed for a specific application, reducing the library size to as low as 300KiB. SQLite also provides a simple and intuitive API that consists of a few dozen functions that can be used to execute SQL statements, manage transactions, prepare and bind parameters, fetch and process results, and handle errors.

Fast and reliable

This means that SQLite is optimized for speed and efficiency, especially for common operations like inserting, updating, deleting, and querying data. SQLite also has various mechanisms to ensure data integrity and prevent corruption, such as checksums, journaling, write-ahead logging (WAL), and automatic recovery.

Written in ANSI-C and cross-platform

This means that SQLite is written in standard C language that can be easily compiled and integrated with any application that supports C. SQLite also works on various operating systems and platforms, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, BSD, Solaris, VxWorks, and more.

Sources are in the public domain

This means that SQLite is free to use for any purpose, without any license or restriction. You can modify, distribute, or sell SQLite as you wish. You can also use SQLite without any attribution or acknowledgment.

Comes with a standalone command-line interface (CLI) client

This means that SQLite provides a handy tool that can be used to interact with SQLite databases from the command line. You can use the CLI client to create, query, update, or delete data from SQLite databases. You can also use the CLI client to import or export data from CSV or SQL files. The CLI client also supports various commands and options to customize its behavior and output.

How to download SQLite

SQLite is easy to download and install on different platforms. You can either download the precompiled binaries or the source code from the official website:

The precompiled binaries are available for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Mac OS X (10.6 or later), Linux (x86), Android (ARMv7), iOS (ARM64), Solaris (x86), VxWorks (x86), AIX (PowerPC), HP-UX (Itanium), QNX (x86), FreeBSD (x86), OpenBSD (x86), NetBSD (x86), DragonFly BSD (x86), Haiku OS (x86), AmigaOS 4 (PowerPC), OS/2 Warp 4 (x86), RISC OS 5 (ARMv6), Minix 3.1.8a (x86), DOS/DJGPP 2.03 (x86), Windows CE 5.0-7.0 (ARMv4I), Windows Phone 8.1-10.0 (ARMv7).

The source code is available as a single ANSI-C file that can be easily compiled with any C compiler. You can also download the source code as a ZIP archive or a TAR.GZ archive.

In this section, we will show you how to download SQLite for three popular platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Downloading SQLite for Windows

To download SQLite for Windows, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to and scroll down to the section "Precompiled Binaries for Windows".

  • Select the appropriate ZIP archive for your system architecture: either sqlite-dll-win32-x86-*.zip for 32-bit or sqlite-dll-win64-x64-*.zip for 64-bit.

  • Click on the ZIP archive link to download it to your computer.

  • Extract the ZIP archive to a folder of your choice. You will see two files: sqlite3.def and sqlite3.dll.

Copy the sqlite3.dll file to your system folder:

  • For 32-bit, copy it to C:\Windows\System32.

  • For 64-bit, copy it to C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

You can also copy the sqlite3.dll file to any folder that is in your system PATH environment variable.

  • Optionally, you can also download the ZIP archive that contains the command-line shell program: either sqlite-tools-win32-x86-*.zip for 32-bit or sqlite-tools-win64-x64-*.zip for 64-bit.

  • Extract the ZIP archive to a folder of your choice. You will see three files: sqlite3.exe, sqlite3_analyzer.exe, and sqldiff.exe.

  • Copy the sqlite3.exe file to the same folder where you copied the sqlite3.dll file. You can also copy it to any folder that is in your system PATH environment variable.

  • You can now use the sqlite3.exe program to interact with SQLite databases from the command line.

Downloading SQLite for Mac OS X

To download SQLite for Mac OS X, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to and scroll down to the section "Precompiled Binaries for Mac OS X (x86 and x86_64)".

  • Select the appropriate DMG file for your system architecture: either sqlite-osx-x86-*.dmg for 32-bit or sqlite-osx-x86_64-*.dmg for 64-bit.

  • Click on the DMG file link to download it to your computer.

  • Open the DMG file and drag the sqlite3 icon to your Applications folder.

  • You can now use the sqlite3 program to interact with SQLite databases from the command line.

Downloading SQLite for Linux

To download SQLite for Linux, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to and scroll down to the section "Precompiled Binaries for Linux".

  • Select the appropriate TAR.GZ file for your system architecture: either sqlite-autoconf-*.tar.gz for x86 or sqlite-aarch64-*.tar.gz for ARMv8.

  • Click on the TAR.GZ file link to download it to your computer.

  • Extract the TAR.GZ file to a folder of your choice. You will see a folder named sqlite-autoconf-* or sqlite-aarch64-*.

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the extracted folder.

  • Type the following commands to compile and install SQLite:

  • ./configure

  • make

  • sudo make install

This will install SQLite in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/include, /usr/local/lib, and /usr/local/share.

  • You can now use the sqlite3 program to interact with SQLite databases from the command line.

How to use SQLite

SQLite is easy to use for various purposes. You can use it as a standalone database engine, as an embedded database within your application, or as a client-server database with a web server. You can also use it with various programming languages, such as C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, and more.

In this section, we will show you how to use SQLite in three common ways: using the command-line shell, using a browser or GUI tool, and using a programming language.

Using SQLite command-line shell

The command-line shell is a program that allows you to interact with SQLite databases from the command line. You can use it to create, query, update, or delete data from SQLite databases. You can also use it to import or export data from CSV or SQL files. The command-line shell also supports various commands and options to customize its behavior and output.

To use the command-line shell, you need to have the sqlite3 program installed on your system. You can download it from as explained in the previous section. You can also check if you have it installed by typing sqlite3 --version in your terminal. You should see something like this:

$ sqlite3 --version SQLite version 3.36.0 2021-06-18 18:36:39 Enter ".help" for usage hints. Connected to a transient in-memory database. Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. sqlite>

The sqlite> prompt indicates that you are in the command-line shell and you can type SQL statements or commands to execute them. For example, you can type .help to see a list of available commands and options. You can also type .quit to exit the shell.

To create or open a SQLite database, you can use the .open command followed by the name of the database file. For example, you can type .open test.db to create or open a database named test.db in the current directory. If you do not specify a file name, SQLite will create a temporary database in memory that will be deleted when you exit the shell.

To create a table in SQLite, you can use the CREATE TABLE statement followed by the name of the table and the columns and their data types. For example, you can type the following statement to create a table named customers with four columns: id, name, email, and phone.

sqlite> CREATE TABLE customers ( ...> id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ...> name TEXT NOT NULL, ...> email TEXT UNIQUE, ...> phone TEXT ...> );

To insert data into a table, you can use the INSERT INTO statement followed by the name of the table and the values to insert. For example, you can type the following statement to insert a row into the customers table with the values 1, 'Alice', '', and '1234567890'.

sqlite> INSERT INTO customers (id, name, email, phone) VALUES (1, 'Alice', '', '1234567890');

To query data from a table, you can use the SELECT statement followed by the columns to select and the table to query from. You can also use various clauses and expressions to filter, sort, group, or aggregate the data. For example, you can type the following statement to select all columns from the customers table where the name is 'Alice'.

sqlite> SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name = 'Alice'; id name email phone ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- 1 Alice 1234567890

To update data in a table, you can use the UPDATE statement followed by the name of the table and the columns and values to update. You can also use a WHERE clause to specify which rows to update. For example, you can type the following statement to update the phone number of the customer with id 1 to '0987654321'.

sqlite> UPDATE customers SET phone = '0987654321' WHERE id = 1;

To delete data from a table, you can use the DELETE FROM statement followed by the name of the table and a WHERE clause to specify which rows to delete. For example, you can type the following statement to delete the customer with id 1 from the customers table.

sqlite> DELETE FROM customers WHERE id = 1;

To import data from a CSV file into a SQLite table, you can use the .import command followed by the name of the CSV file and the name of the table. For example, you can type .import data.csv customers to import data from a file named data.csv into the customers table. The CSV file should have the same number and order of columns as the table. The first row of the CSV file should contain the column names.

To export data from a SQLite table to a CSV file, you can use the .output and .mode commands followed by the SELECT statement. For example, you can type .output data.csv and .mode csv to set the output file and mode to CSV, and then type SELECT * FROM customers to export all data from the customers table to a file named data.csv. You can also use .headers on to include the column names in the output file.

Using SQLite browser or GUI tool

The browser or GUI tool is a program that allows you to interact with SQLite databases using a graphical user interface. You can use it to create, query, update, or delete data from SQLite databases. You can also use it to import or export data from various formats, such as CSV, SQL, JSON, XML, and more. The browser or GUI tool also supports various features and functions to manage and analyze SQLite databases, such as schema browser, SQL editor, query builder, data editor, table designer, index manager, trigger manager, view manager, function manager, and more.

To use the browser or GUI tool, you need to have a program that supports SQLite databases installed on your system. There are many free and open source programs that you can choose from, such as DB Browser for SQLite, SQLiteStudio, SQLiteSpy, SQLite Manager, SQLPro for SQLite, and more. You can download them from their respective websites or from .

In this section, we will show you how to use DB Browser for SQLite as an example of a browser or GUI tool. You can download it from for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.

To use DB Browser for SQLite, you can follow these steps:

  • Open DB Browser for SQLite and click on the Open Database button on the toolbar.

  • Select the SQLite database file that you want to open and click on Open. If you do not have a database file yet, you can click on New Database to create one.

  • You will see four tabs on the main window: Database Structure, Browse Data, Execute SQL, and Pragma.

  • The Database Structure tab shows the schema of the database, including the tables, indexes, views, triggers, and functions. You can right-click on any object to perform various actions, such as create, edit, delete, rename, copy, export, import, etc.

  • The Browse Data tab shows the data of the selected table or view. You can use the drop-down menu to select a table or view. You can also use the filter box to filter the data by any column. You can edit or delete any row by double-clicking on it or right-clicking on it. You can also add a new row by clicking on the New Record button.

  • The Execute SQL tab allows you to write and execute SQL statements against the database. You can type any valid SQL statement in the text box and click on the Run button to execute it. You will see the result in the table below. You can also save or load SQL scripts by using the File menu.

  • The Pragma tab allows you to view and modify various settings and parameters of the database. You can use the drop-down menu to select a pragma option and see its current value. You can also change its value by typing a new value in the text box and clicking on Set.

Using SQLite with programming languages

The programming language is a way of using SQLite databases within your application code. You can use it to create , query, update, or delete data from SQLite databases using the programming language of your choice. You can also use it to perform various operations and functions on the database, such as transactions, prepared statements, parameters, results, errors, etc.

To use SQLite with programming languages, you need to have a library or a module that supports SQLite databases installed on your system. There are many free and open source libraries or modules that you can choose from, such as C/C++ API, Java JDBC, Python sqlite3, PHP PDO, Ruby sqlite3, and more. You can download them from their respective websites or from .

In this section, we will show you how to use SQLite with Python as an example of a programming language. You can download Python from for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. You can also check if you have Python installed by typing python --version in your terminal. You should see something like this:

$ python --version Python 3.9.6

To use SQLite with Python, you need to have the sqlite3 module installed on your system. The sqlite3 module is included in the standard library of Python 2.5 and later versions, so you do not need to install it separately. You can also check if you have the sqlite3 module installed by typing python -c "import sqlite3" in your terminal. You should not see any error message.

To use SQLite with Python, you can follow these steps:

  • Open a Python file or an interactive shell and import the sqlite3 module.

>>> import sqlite3

  • Create or connect to a SQLite database by using the connect() function of the sqlite3 module. The connect() function takes a database file name as an argument and returns a connection object. If the database file does not exist, it will be created automatically.

>>> conn = sqlite3.connect('test.db')

  • Create a cursor object by using the cursor() method of the connection object. The cursor object allows you to execute SQL statements and fetch results.

>>> cur = conn.cursor()

  • Execute SQL statements by using the execute() method of the cursor object. The execute() method takes a SQL statement as an argument and executes it against the database. You can also use placeholders and parameters to avoid SQL injection attacks.

>>> cur.execute('CREATE TABLE customers (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, email TEXT UNIQUE, phone TEXT)') <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x0000021F8B7A4C00> >>> cur.execute('INSERT INTO customers (id, name, email, phone) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (1, 'Alice', '', '1234567890')) <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x0000021F8B7A4C00>

  • Fetch results by using the fetchone(), fetchmany(), or fetchall() methods of the cursor object. The fetchone() method returns the next row of the result set as a tuple or None if there is no more row. The fetchmany() method returns a list of tuples containing the next n rows of the result set or an empty list if there is no more row. The fetchall() method returns a list of tuples containing all remaining rows of the result set or an empty list if there is no more row.

>>> cur.execute('SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name = ?', ('Alice',)) <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x0000021F8B7A4C00> >>> cur.fetchone() (1, 'Alice', '', '1234567890') >>> cur.fetchall() []

  • Commit or rollback changes by using the commit() or rollback() methods of the connection object. The commit() method commits the current transaction and saves all changes to the database. The rollback() method rolls back the current transaction and discards all changes to the database.

>>> conn.commit() >>> conn.rollback()

  • Close the connection by using the close() method of the connection object. The close() method closes the connection and releases all resources associated with it.

>>> conn.close() Conclusion

SQLite is a powerful and versatile database engine that can be used for various purposes. It is easy to download, install, and use on different platforms. It has many features and benefits that make it a popular choice for many applications. It can be used as a standalone database engine, as an embedded database within your application, or as a client-server database with a web server. It can also be used with various programming languages, such as C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, and more.

In this article, you learned how to download and install SQLite on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. You also learned how to use SQLite in three common ways: using the command-line shell, using a browser or GUI tool, and using a programming language. You also learned some of the features and benefits of SQLite that make it a suitable choice for various applications.

We hope that this article was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about SQLite:

What is the difference between SQLite and SQL?

SQL is a standard language for querying and manipulating relational databases. SQLite is a software library that implements a relational database engine that uses SQL as its query language. SQLite is one of the many database systems that support SQL, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.

What are the advantages of SQLite?

Some of the advantages of SQLite are:

  • It is free and open source.

  • It is self-contained, serverless, and zero-configuration.

  • It is lightweight, fast, and reliable.

  • It supports most of the SQL standards and features.

  • It stores the entire database in a single file that can be easily copied or shared.

  • It has a small code footprint and a simple API.

  • It is written in ANSI-C and cross-platform.

  • It comes with a standalone command-line interface (CLI) client.

What are the limitations of SQLite?

Some of the limitations of SQLite are:

  • It does not support some SQL features, such as stored procedures, triggers on views, foreign key constraints on views, etc.

  • It does not support concurrent write operations from multiple processes or threads.

  • It does not support user authentication or encryption by default.

  • It does not have a built-in network interface or protocol for remote access.

How to update SQLite to the latest version?

To update SQLite to the latest version, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to and download the latest version of SQLite for your platform.

  • Replace the old sqlite3.dll or sqlite3.exe file with the new one in your system folder or PATH folder.

  • If you are using SQLite with a programming language, you may also need to update the library or module that supports SQLite databases.

How to backup and restore SQLite databases?

To backup and restore SQLite databases, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Copy the database file to another location or device. This is the simplest method but it may not work if the database file is locked or in use by another process or thread.

  • Use the .backup command of the command-line shell to create a backup copy of the database file. This method works even if the database file is locked or in use by another process or thread.

  • Use the sqlite3_backup_init(), sqlite3_backup_step(), and sqlite3_backup_finish() functions of the C/C++ API to create a backup copy of the database file. This method works even if the database file is locked or in use by another process or thread.

  • Use the .dump command of the command-line shell to export the entire database as a SQL script. This method can be used to backup or restore any SQLite database regardless of its format or version.



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